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Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Made It!

Since next Monday is Memorial Day, that means I have 1 more Monday left.  Where does the time go?
In oder to celebrate this next-to-last Monday, here is an easy project that you can do.  They are so easy, you can whip out 20 of them for next year during the time it takes you to watch an entire episode of Castle.  DVR'd and skipping the commercials.  That's fast.  Like Fast and the Furious 1 through 6 fast.  Except - does Tokyo Drift count?  That movie was like putting unleaded gasoline in a diesel engine.  Horrible.  I digress.

Monday Made It: Turning pocket folders into pocket envelopes for spelling sorts, center pieces, flash cards, or classroom money.  Here goes.


  • pocket folders
  • velcro dots
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • plate or other large circular device (pie pan, cake pan, paper plate)
  • a DVR'd episode of Castle (optional) 

1.  Open the folder.  Position the plate as shown.  Trace around the plate.  If you don't like your line, erase and try again.

2.  Cut out on your line.  

3.  Fold down circular portion to create the flap.

5.  Repeat with other side.

6. Add velcro dots to underside of the flap. I placed the rough side on the top then place the fuzzy side on top (as if they were already stuck together).  Then fold the flap over, positioning the fuzzy velcro dot exactly where it needs to be.  Arrows are pointing to the dots.  Repeat with the other side.

7. Finished envelope.  Fill with word sorts, classroom money, or anything else you need to! They are ready to go and you still have 55 minutes of Castle to watch!

I originally saw this idea on Pintrest last summer and made a bunch when the back-to-school sales were happening and picked up a ton of folders for a song.

Well, that's my Monday Made It!  Hope you like it and can make some of these for next year.  (Am I really talking about next year already?)

Tomorrow, I'll spill on how today's lesson in math was Bunco 4 Kids! They loved it and I got some reading assessments done to boot!  Double score!

Keep Calm and Teach On...



  1. Love this idea!!! Will definitely be making these during the summer! Pinned it and happy to be your very FIRST follower!!!! Welcome to blogging!!! Let me know if you need anything!

    The Bender Bunch

  2. Thank you for commenting and becoming a follower! Since you're numero uno, I've left a little something in your inbox! Enjoy!
