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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Well, Well, Look Who's Alive...

I know - I take a few weeks off from blogging and I suddenly feel as if the world has gone off and left me.  Serves me right.  Oh well.  I have been busy keeping up with my grade level (that's one huge bag of hot mess right there), learning my districts' new "Infinite Campus" computer system with all its idiosyncracies and grade book (yet one more hot mess - this one steaming), and most of all reminding myself of what's important in life - THE BEAN.

Speaking of my little bundle of joy (he's not so little anymore), here he is helping out Mom find the just the right cauldron for a sentence center.  I'll write about that next week - promise.

Until then, I wanted to check in and assure all that I am indeed alive and well and Bean is growing like the string that he is. Check out that ladykiller smile!  I'm going to have a problem on my hands in a few years.  Lord give me the strength.  
