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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Beam Me Up Scotty...

Thursday Thought #1 - only 23 more days until summer.  Any teacher can attest to the fact that by this time of the year, we should all change classes with another teacher, even if it was just for a day. We have reached that point  where no matter who you have for students, no matter how 'good' they are, we are annoyed by them.  The sound of their voice.  The way they ask if they can sharpen their pencils in the middle of a lesson when they have 5 perfectly pointy ones shoved in their desk.  The way they blurt out every answer before you have even asked the question.  They way they look at you when you ask 2+3= and their "deer in the headlights" look as if they have never heard it before in their lives.  So, if we switched I could take someone else's annoying class and someone could have my annoying class and we would all be fine.  However, midway through the first hour, I would be wondering "How is so-and-so", and "is student A behaving with student B", and "I miss student C's funny answers to questions that are so not revelent to the lesson", that I would be marching my not-so-tiny heiny down to my room and demanding that I have it back.  Maybe I just need a Friday.

Thursday Thought #2 - There are 69 original episodes of Star Trek.  Yeah-  the one made in the 60's with Captain James Tiberius Kirk, First Science Officer Spock, and Ship Doctor Leonard McCoy.  Now correct me if I'm wrong, but out of 69 episodes, 1 deals with Scotty falling in love, 2 deal with Mr. Spock finding a lovely lady to lock lips with, 2 episodes find Dr. McCoy gets his love jones on, and 1 Chekov finds a mysterious lady from his past turned into a hippster on her way to Eden.  In the rest, Kirk gets all the women.  My thought is this: Why doesn't Kirk have an STD?  Maybe he did, only with Dr. McCoy's little gadget that he injects people with then twirls another gadget (which I might say looks a lot like a cigarette lighter from '76 Dodge Coronet) over their chest, he has miraculously cured Kirk of said nastiness, leaving him to once again kiss every female life form from here to the Omatron 6 Galaxy.  But here's the problem: I love Star Trek.  No matter how many women Kirk kisses, or no matter how many "ethnic" put-downs McCoy gives Spock about his green blood or his pointy ears, I love it.  I would follow these three into the Omatron 6 galaxy as part of the security detail, only to die in  the first 5 minutes of an episode - just to be that close to the three of them.  So can you fault me if I already have tickets to JJ Abrams' next installment, Into Darkness?  I didn't think so.  May 17.  Can't wait.  Unfortunately I must.  Another 15 days.  But who's counting?  Set your phaser on stun, because I think it's going to warp out of here.  I guess I will will have to bide my time with Tony Stark and his band of misfits battling it out against the Manchurian on Friday.  Until then, I am stuck with just the trailer to wet my appetite.  Click here to wet yours as well.  

Until tomorrow, Live Long and Prosper.

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