The second one that I love as well as my students is the geoboard app. It works the same as a regular geoboard but only digital. There's also a classroom dice app that acts just like a pair of dice. You have the ability to choose 1, 2, or more dice to roll. Free to download and free to play as well.
On this screen shot, you can find all the free space apps that my students love. The one that they fight over is the "learn sharks" app. This one has pictures, and facts about sharks and it even has. A flash card portion that the kids love to quiz each other over. In our classroom this year, sharks rule. (Sorry Jets, your time will come.)
The other app I want to share with you is the only one that has a price at: 99 cents. It's called "Win A Spin" and in it you choose the prizes to enter (eat lunch with the teacher, 10 minutes on the iPad, a sweet treat, you name it) and the student spins a wheel (like wheel of fortune but without a lady in a fancy dress) and the student finds out what their prize will be! The kids ask if I am going to do win a spin all the time-they love it that much! Hey, for a buck its worth its price.
Now, are these ALL my apps that I have on this thing? Absolutely not! I have found free apps to tell time, learn money, help with grammar, tons of math fact apps and a few that help with writing stories and sentences. In a few short days (now that summer has almost arrived) I will be compiling all the apps that I have on my device into a document that you'll be able to download and check out on your own. But you'll have to be patient because with the Bean, it takes me twice as long to do even the simplest tasks. Cleaning my house (which I abhor by the way) used to take me about an hour. Now, it takes almost three on a good day. So I'll try to get this done as soon as I can. In the meantime, if you have a question about something I've said or mentioned, leave a comment or email me at edisonandbean@gmail.com and ill try to answer it as soon as possible.
So tomorrow is my las today of school. After 179 days, I am glad that its here, yet sad to see it none the less. New chapters to read in is life of mine are waiting just around the corner.
As Justin Timberlake sings in "Mirrors" "today is history and tomorrow's a mystery" so I'll leave it like that!
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